Use Facebook, Instagram, play video games on your pc or console, read books, watch movies, listen to music, etc. Lotusfire uses AI to find opportunities for you to learn vocabulary you care about.
功能 - Features
Discover Lotusfire
不再害怕全英文 - Gradual introduction of words
點一下英文單字馬上出現中文翻譯 + 聽發音。
邊滑手機邊收集單字 - Keep using your device as is
精選雙語內容 - Curated bilingual vocab sets
專屬單字庫 - Dedicated vocab reviewer
定價 - Pricing
Choose the Best Plan for Your English Learning
免費使用所有基本功能,提供更多進階方案供選擇。 Access all basic features for free, with advanced plans available.